Monday, 10 October 2016

Statistics and why they are important.

Demographics are effectively categories you split the population into, for example life expectancy, age, death rate, birth rate ect. These categories can be used on any section of the population.

This is important for media as you can find your ideal audience in a given area through these facts. For example if a country or area has predominantly elderly people they will have a different perspective on film than younger people.
Another example of this is in other statistics. Statistically valvo have the safest cars, this is a unique selling point that they pitch their cars on and so they have identified their ideal audience through statistics.

Statistics can also be used to find the ideal way to market your product and who to market it to, for example amazon tracks what it’s users look at on their websites and then using this data pushes adverts that might appeal to the user. Through this they sell more products and have to spend less money on advertising and therefore marketing. This also increases sales.

These statistics can also be used to measure trends and new opportunities for marketing . for example using statistics on purchases you can prove that art-house films sell less than action movies or that the romance genre is a bigger market than the sci-fi market in the publishing business.

All the factors and methods mentioned above increase the sales of a product or piece of work, for example if you identify your ideal audience then you can work in favour of them and perhaps gain a loyal following who will follow your brand. If you find a unique selling point in your product you can distinguish yourself from competitors and outdo them. If you can lower market costs you can get more profit ect.

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